Billing Information

Billing Policy FAQ’s

Coastal X-ray provides comprehensive diagnostic imaging services and prides itself on delivering the highest standard of patient care. Our fees reflect the service, expertise and skillset of our highly qualified and experienced team of Radiologists and Technical staff. Coastal X-ray has state of the art technology to provide the highest standard of radiology services available for accurate diagnosis and high-quality patient care to ensure our community of patients and referring practitioners will experience a reliable and professional service.

Are you a Bulk Billing Service?

Coastal X-Ray bulk bill most Medicare eligible services. However, some scans and procedures will incur fees that are payable on the day of service. This means you will have a gap fee/out-of-pocket expense after the Medicare rebate. At the time of making your booking our staff will advise you if the scan/procedure you are attending for has fees that require upfront payment and what the gap/out-of-pocket expense is.

Do I need to pay upfront and how much will I need?

If the scan or procedure you are attending for is not bulk billed, you will be required to pay the full amount upfront. If there is a rebate from Medicare, this is usually paid back into your bank account within 1 to 2 days. Most services will carry a standard gap/outof-pocket expense.

What is the ‘Gap fee’ or ‘out-of-pocket’ expense?

The ‘gap fee’ or ‘out-of-pocket’ is the difference between what you pay for the scan or procedure in total and the rebate you get back from Medicare. The amount of the ‘gap’ or ‘out-of-pocket’ expense will vary depending on which scan or procedure you are having.

What Scan or Procedures are Bulk Billed?

The following scans are bulk billed if you hold a valid Medicare, Concession or DVA card:

  • General X-ray
  • MRI – (Medicare eligible studies only)
  • CT Scans (including interventional procedures)
  • Diagnostic Mammography
  • General Ultrasound Scans

What if I hold a Pension; Disability; Low-income earner or a DVA card?

Pensioners and Health Care Card holders will incur a fee for some services depending on the scan or procedure you have been requested to have by your referring doctor. The amount you pay upfront will depend on the type of scan/procedure you are having. DVA Card holders will be covered by The Department of Veterans Affairs. Some procedures, such as MRI are not automatically covered for Gold DVA cardholders and white chard holders will have limitation on some services. It is advised you check with DVA prior to your appointment.

What kind of scans/procedures will most likely have a fee payable?

– Interventional Procedures under Ultrasound Guidance

– Screening Procedures

– Most Pregnancy Ultrasounds (excluding dating scan)

– Breast & Pelvic Ultrasounds (Concession card holders will be bulk billed)

– Non- Medicare eligible MRI Scans

– Body Composition Scans

What if I am an overseas visitor or student?

Overseas visitors and students will be required to pay for the scans/procedures. If you have a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (RHCA), you may be covered, however not all services are covered. For more information please check: Reciprocal Health Care Agreements – Services Australia

What if my procedure is associated with a work injury?

If you have an active WorkCover number and your referral indicates that your scan/procedure is required due to a work event, WorkCover will be billed directly. Please note, in the event your claim is rejected or denied, you will be responsible for the payment of this service.


We accept all major credit cards, Eftpos and cash. Contactless payment is preferred where possible.

We do not accept personal cheques or America Express

All accounts are to be settled on the day that service is provided.

Our staff will endeavour to provide an accurate estimate of upfront fees and out of pocket fee for your Scan/Procedure; however, this may differ based on information provided on the referral. Your gap/out-of-pocket expense may also vary based on Medicare billing rules on ‘multiple scans/procedures and or limitation of a service in a specific period.